Please click on an image to view the album for that year.
The year refers to the camp that happened in January of that year.
If you have photos of the camp that you think we don't have, please either give a CD or flash drive with the photos on to us, or upload them to Google Drive and share them with annualhermanuscamp[at] . We store our photos in Google Photos. We do not have photos from the 2016 camp.
The years 2000–2006 have not yet been scanned from the Doomsday Book III, but if you have digital photos from those years, they are also welcome.
We have a photobook of the best ~120 photos from 2009 to 2019, which can be printed for about R700 (contact You may send your suggestions for improvements for future versions of the photobook, to . Please write your surname on the title page with a pen if you do buy one, so that it doesn't get confused with others'. A photobook of Vogelgat is also available.